Taxpol | Polskie Biuro Księgowe

Make a payment

There are two ways in which you can pay for our services: by Pay Pal or directly into our bank account.

Transfer to our bank account:

TAXPOL LTD (account in Barclays Bank)
Sort Code: 20-27-48
Account Number: 33003426
For international money transfers:
IBAN GB46 BARC 2027 4833 0034 26

Pay by card or PayPal

In order to make a payment click on the icon below and follow the instructions given underneath.

Payment instruction

1) Once you have clicked the 'Pay now’ button you will be redirected onto PayPal website. 2) In the 'Description’ field insert what you are paying for, eg. 'Tax refund’. If you are planning to include the payment in your corporate expenses you can write the name of the service in English. 'Price per unit’ is the amount you wish to pay. 3) If you don’t have your own PayPal account, click 'Continue’ in the bottom left corner of the page. The system will enable a credit or debit card payment. 4) Provide your card details and email address, and make the payment. 5) Payment confirmation will be sent to your email address.


If you want to pay via PayPal.Me click here: PayPal.Me/Taxpol

PayPal provides a highly secure payment service. Your card details won’t be released to anyone. For more information on payments and security visit PayPal website. – PayPal

Thank you!

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