Taxpol | Polskie Biuro Księgowe

Forms (Tax Refund)

Fill in the forms below. Based on the information you provide, we will fill in the paper claim form for HMRC. All paper forms that require your signature will be delivered to you by traditional mail.


You should fill in 2 of the forms listed below. If you live in the UK – fill in forms A and C. If you live outside the UK (or if you are planning to leave the UK shortly) – fill in forms B and C.

Clicking on the blue link will open a form in a new window.

A) Tax Claim – This form is to be filled in by those who live in the UK permanently and are not planning to move out of the UK in the near future.

B) Leaving the UK – This form is for those who have already left the UK or are planning to leave the country soon. This is also a form for those whose employment in the UK was very brief or seasonal.

C) Employment Record – A form in which you will need to provide information on your employer(s). This form needs to be filled in by all claimants.

Document copies

Many people provide inaccurate data concerning their employment or their employers. Therefore, we ask for copies of your P60 / P45 or your final pay slips for all your employments during the period for which you are claiming your tax refund. Take pictures of the relevant documents with your phone (or use a photocopier, scanner etc.) and send the copies via email to Having access to all document copies, we will be able to verify your employment history and correct any errors.

Payment for the service

We expect to receive the payment upfront. The current fee is £35 or £55.

Make the payment – Pay now

If upon receiving all the information we establish that you are not entitled to a tax refund, we will reimburse you the full amount you had paid within a few days.

IMPORTANT: You will not receive the service until you make the payment

Data security

We guarantee a maximum level of data security. All data is stored on Google servers and all information is sent using encryption. We do not save any copies onto our local drives. Data files are only ever opened on selected and well secured company computers, which can only be accessed by Taxpol staff.

Why we expect the payment upfront?

Just few years back, we used to offer our Clients an option of the fee being deducted from their refund. Unfortunately, HMRC would sometimes ignore the instruction for the money to be paid to agent’s account and they sent the money directly to the client. Dishonest clients would then refuse to pay for our services. To avoid court battles, we removed that payment option from our offer.


Should you have any questions, please call us or send us an email. Tel: 0208 578 9433, mob: 075 0937 4756, e-mail:

More information

You will find more information on Tax Refunds in the FAQ section – More about Tax Refunds
Tax Refund calculator – Kalkulator podatkowy
Czytaj po polsku – Zwrot podatku
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